Guide Patterns > Craft > How to Make Hanger Snowflakes: 6+Tutorials and DIYs

How to Make Hanger Snowflakes: 6+Tutorials and DIYs

Hanger snowflakes are nice art forms that you can enhance your home décor with, especially around Christmas. It may sound weird, but yes, it is possible if you know, how simply you can attach some cloth hangers together and make big snowflakes. Some tutorials are given here for novice and experts.

Hanger Snowflake DIY Pictures

1. Cloth Hanger Snowflakes

The coat or cloth hangers are attached together with zip ties. You can add new panels of hangers to make the snowflake even bigger.

Hanger Snowflakes

2. Hanger Snowflakes for Garden: Do it Yourself

If you wish to decorate your garden, then make a hanger snowflake like this. You can have such 5-6 snowflakes and place them at various corners.

How to Make a Snowflake

3. Black Snowflakes for Your Drawing Room

The beautiful wire hanger snowflake can be adorned with strings of lights. You can hang it on a wall or just keep them as it is.

Cloth Hanger Snowflake

4. Coat Hanger Snowflakes

The beautiful Snowflake is large and it is best to decorate a certain corner of your home. If you don’t like white, then apply spray paint.

Large Coat Hanger Snowflakes

5. Easy Plastic Hanger Snowflakes

These snowflakes are easy to make, especially with kids. The snowflake is painted pink for making them festive and ceremonial.

Plastic Hanger Snowflakes

6. Ceremonial Hanger Snowflake

This snowflake has been made with 16 hangers, but you can make the snowflake smaller or bigger. The craft is useful for Christmas decoration at home.

DIY Hanger Snowflake

While snowflakes are usually white, you can paint them in whichever color you like, the tutorial for making the snowflake will be the same of course.

Hanger Snowflakes Wreath Craft
Baby Hanger Snowflake

The snowflakes are light since they are made of plastic hangers. As a recycle craft this is also popular and the best part is you can include your children to take part in this process.

Published on July 4th 2020 by

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